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Ceanothus impressus 'Joyce Coulter' Medium Blue Spring
Ceanothus ssp Southern California Lilac
Ceanothus ssp
Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar
Ceiba insigmis silk-floss tree pink/showey
Celastrus scandens American bittersweet
Celosia cristata Cockscomb red
Celosia argentea Plumed Cockscomb Various
Centaurea cineraria Dusty Miller
Centaurea gymnocarpa Velvet Centaurea medium purple
Centaurea montana Montana Blue Montana Cornflower or Bachelor's Button Blue
centaurea mountain blue blue with pink center
Centratherum punctatum Brazilian Button Flower purple
Cephalanthus occidentalis button bush
Cephalanthus occidentalis Button Bush

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