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Coffea arabica Lempira white
Coffea arabica Pacamara white
Coffea arabica Parainema white
Coffea arabica Typica white
Coffea arabica Yellow Catuai white
Coleonema pulchellum Breath of Heaven Pink
Coleus Coleus
Coleus Coleus Multi
Coleus Big Red Judy
Coleus Fishnet Stockings
Colocasia esculenta Taro, Elephant's Ear
Colocasia esculenta Elephant Ear
Columnea gloriosa goldfish plant Red-Orange
Combretum microphyllum Flame Creeper Red
Conoclinium gregii Boothill Gregg's Mist Flower

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.