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Dahlia imperialis double white White Tree Dahlia white
Dalea Capitata Sierra GoldĀ® yellow
Dasylirion Quadrangulatum Mexican Grass Tree Green
Dasylirion wheeleri Desert Spoon
Datura D metel Double Purple Devil's/Angel's Trumpet Purple
Davallia Rabbit foot fern
Delosperma Trailing Iceplant Various
Delphinium elatum Magic Fountain Mix Delphinium blue,lavendar,white, pink
Delphinium ajacis larkspur blue
delphinium hybrids shades of blue
Dendrobium Epiphytic Orchid Creamy to yellow
Dendromecon rigida Bush Poppy Yellow
Diaanthus barbatus Sweet William Pink-llavender mix
Dianella caerulea Blue flax Lily Dark Blue
Dianella caerulea Cassa Blue Blue Flax Lily Yellow throated, dark blue

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