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Eggplant, Early Violet of Naples Eggplant, Early Violet of Naples lavender
Eggplant, Ping Tung esculentum Eggplant, Ping Tung esculentum Purple
Eggplant, romanesca Eggplant, romanesca lavender
Eggplant, Round Mauve Eggplant, Round Mauve lavender
Eggplant, Thai Long Green Eggplant, Thai Long Green
Eggplant, Thai White Ribbed Eggplant, Thai White Ribbed
Eggplant,Thai Green Pea Eggplant,Thai Green Pea White
Eichhornia water hyacinth lavender
Encelia californica Coast Sunflower Yellow daisy like flowers
Encelia farinosa Brittlebush, Incienso yellow
Ensete maurelii Red Banana
Epidendrum obrienianum Butterfly Orchid red, spring/summer
Epidendrum ibaguense Lavender
Epidendrum radicans Reed Stem Orchid Orange & Yellow
Epilobium canum California Fuchsia red orange

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