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Kalanchoe beharensis Felt Plant or Elephant's Ear Kalanchoe. Not showy.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Freja Yellow
Kalanchoe daigremontiana Small grayish purple flower cl
Kalanchoe luciae Paddle Plant. Yellow.
Kalanchoe manginii Red.
Kalanchoe marmorata Pinwiper plant
Kalanchoe marnierana Mariner's Kalanchoe Kalanchoe Coral / Orange.
Kalanchoe millotii Green
Kalanchoe nyikae Coral / Apricot
Kalanchoe orgyalis Copper Spoons yellow
Kalanchoe prolifera Blooming Boxes. Green Yellow
Kalanchoe thyristflora 'Flapjacks' Yellow
KALANCHOE thyrsiflora Flapjacks Powdery white w/ yellow center
KALANCHOE tomentosa Panda Plant Greenish white
Kalanchoe tomentosa Chocolate Soldier yellow/green

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