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MELON galia Melon Galia
MELON ha ogen Melon Ha Ogen
MELON hannah's choice Melon Hannah's Choice
MELON jaipur Melon Jaipur
melon japanese watermelon melon Japanese Watermelon
MELON solid gold Melon Solid Gold
MELON, Honeydew Earlidew Earlidew MELON, Honeydew Earlidew Earlidew Yellow-orange
Mentha spicata Spearmint pale blue
Mentha x villosa Mojito Mint
Milla biflora Mexican Star Flower White
Millettia reticulata Evergreen Wisteria purple-red
Mimulus aurantiacus longiflorus Shrubby Monkeyflower cream to ornage-yellow
Mirabilis jalapa Four O'clock white,red,pink,yellow
Mixed Leafy Lettuce prize leaf, royal oak leaf, sa Mixed Leafy Lettuce Prize Leaf, Royal Oak Leaf, Salad Bowl,
Moluccela laevis Bells Of Ireland white center with lime-green c

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.