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Plectranthus barbatus Purple
Plectranthus caninus Scaredy Cat Plant Purple
Plectranthus forsteri Marginatus Swedish Ivy Pink to white
Plectranthus hybrid Mona Lavender Lavender
Plectranthus montanus Camphor Spurflower Violet
Plectranthus neochilus Lobster Flower Blue
Plectranthus tomentosa Vicks Plant Purple
Plumbago scandens Summer Snow White
Plumeria rubra Plumeria, Frangipani
Poa arachnifera Texas Bluegrass
Polianthes tuberosa Tuberose White
Poliomintha maderensis Mexican Oregano Lavender, white
Polygala Sweet Pea Bush Puplish-pink
Polygala fruticosa Petite Butterfly Sweet Pea Bush Puplish-pink
polygonatum humile dwarf soloman's seal white

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