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Salvia lycioiides Canyon Sage Royal puple
Salvia lyrata Lyre-leaf Sage Pale blue (spring)
Salvia m. microphylla (S.grahamii) Graham Rosy red (late spring & fall)
Salvia madrensis Forsythia Sage Butter yellow (fall-spring)
Salvia mellifera Black or Honey Sage White, lavender-tinged
Salvia mexicana Mexican Sage Dk. blue, violet (fall-spring)
Salvia mexicana Silver Sheen Mexican Sage Blue-purple
Salvia microphylla Christine Yeo Violet, lavender (summer-fall)
Salvia microphylla Hot lips red&white
Salvia microphylla neurepia Kew Red Brillant red
Salvia moorcroftiana purple & white (spring-sum)
Salvia myriantha pale purple
Salvia namaensis pale blue, mauve
Salvia nemerosa Blue Queen Salvia Dark Blue
Salvia nemerosa Blue Queen Dark blue

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.