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Aechmea recurvata Bromeliad Red or pink
Aeonium Cabernet
Aeonium Jolly Green Aeonium Yellow
Aeonium Kiwi Pale Yellow
Aeonium urbicum Dinner Plate Aeonium White or Pinkish Flowers
Aeonium arboreum Atropurpureum Yellow
Aeonium arboreum Nigrum Yellow
Aeonium arboreum Zwartkop Firecracker Yellow, nearly black rosettes.
Aeonium canariense Canary Island Aeonium Pale green flowers
Aeonium canariense Carol Aeonium Yellow
Aeonium decorum Sunburst Cream
Aeonium glutinosum Yellow
Aeonium haworthii Pinwheel Cream
Aeonium hierrense Whitish Pink
Aeonium lancerottense Pink

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.