2023 Perennial Choice

Photo credit: Deborah Bussert with permission

The Perennial Plant Association has named a new cultivar of the familiar black-eyed Susan as its 2023 perennial plant of the year – ‘American Gold Rush’. Like its older cousin ‘Goldsturm’, this plant is a hybrid among several species of Rudbeckia. It is said to be easy to grow with a long period of bloom in late summer on a compact habit and foliage that is less disease-prone.

We are all familiar with the daisy-like bright yellow flowers with dark brown cones. ‘American Gold Rush’ will grow about two feet tall and spread nearly twice as wide with a rounded compact shape. It was discovered in Illinois by a perennial plant breeder in a bed sown with open-pollinated seed.

Photo credit: Jim Easton, Nature Photographer

Black-eyed Susans require full sun but will tolerate some afternoon shade and do best with good drainage. Average to lean soil (soil that is lacking in much organic material) will keep the plants compact. Over-fertilizing will cause lanky and floppy growth. Birds will feast on the seed heads if they are left standing in the fall.

‘Goldsturm’ is still a good choice for your garden, although it has been vastly overused and abused. I am looking forward to growing ‘American Gold Rush’ particularly if, as advertised, its foliage won’t succumb so readily to powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.  For more information see the PPA’s website announcement.