Neighbors Helping Neighbors Grow – July 2024

Welcome to the James City County Williamsburg Master Gardener Association

Serving Williamsburg, James City, Charles City, Upper York, and New Kent 

July 2024



How to Cultivate a Fairy Garden

A true ‘fairy garden,’ is one where fairies and all other helpful elementals are welcome. Even if we can’t see fairies ourselves, we perhaps sense their presence as guardians of our trees and co-creators in our gardens. Read more here...

Native Tree Planting Guide

Which Tree Should I Plant?   This guide for selecting trees and shrubs to use beside rivers and streams in Virginia was produced by the Upper and Middle James Riparian Consortium to raise awareness of and celebrate the woody native plants of Virginia’s riparian areas. This vegetation is critical to the health of the land and local waterways.  Access the guide here.

July and August: To Do and To Do Less

Summer at last!  Tomatoes are ripening, flowers blooming, and we are enjoying prime time in the garden.  July and August can be our most productive season in the garden.  Here are a few tips to keep your garden beautiful all summer.  Learn more here...


Mythical Rosemary

Rosemary's woody, green fragrance brings health and happiness.  This ancient herb attracts pollinators and grows easily with little care.  Read more about rosemary's rich history and many uses.

Magical Thyme

To conjure a bit of magic in your summer garden, plant thyme. Thyme is a magical herb with a long history and a multitude of uses.  The more we learn to use thyme, the more its ‘green magic’ charms our lives and our gardens.  Read more here...

Landscaping with Herbs

Herbs are among the simplest plants to grow. Planting perennial herbs allows us to garden more sustainably with less waste, less work, and a positive environmental impact.  Learn more here, Part 1,   Herbs Part 2,   Herbs Part 3

Beyond Flowers

A meal is not enough to support pollinators and other wildlife species.  Read more about how to support pollinators in your yard.

Making a Drought-Tolerant Garden

Discover how to identify drought tolerant plants and use them to make your garden beautiful all summer long.  Read Part 1 here...

We can’t change the weather, but we can make our plantings more resilient. Drought-tolerant gardening strategies help us enjoy our gardens with little or no supplemental watering.  Read Part 2 here ...

Top Plants for Summer Color

Colorful flowers and enticing plants fill every table and rack at garden centers right now. Even the most experienced gardener may feel a little overwhelmed with so many beautiful choices. Learn more about flowers in Part 1    Learn more about foliage plants in Part 2


Native Plant Guide

This guide showcases many attractive variety of plants native to Southeast Virginia, which includes the Hampton Roads region.  It includes information about how each plant supports wildlife.  Read more here...

Garden Questions?

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Zone Change!

Click to enlarge the photo

The USDA has updated the Plant Hardiness Zone map and we're now in zone 8A. The trend reveals a picture of how many parts of our country are warming.  Read more ...

Landscape Love Open!

Our Master Gardeners meet with you, the homeowner, right in your yard to review your garden issues and recommend solutions.  To apply for your FREE consultation complete the application form here!