2024 Guidelines for Submitting an Article

2024 Guidelines for Submitting an Article

Write Your Article:
• Our association's mission is to educate the public in the Hampton Roads area about horticulture practices and share our gardening activities. So, choose a topic that interests you and our gardening public. Perhaps a project you’re working on.
• Contact our editor (vp-communications@jccwmg.org) to let her know what you’re working on. You can discuss your article together, and she can plan to include it on our website, social media, or newsletter.
• When you research your topic and write about it, be sure that:
o You’ve referenced any supporting information from your research at the end of your article.
o Meet deadlines. If you aren’t sure, contact the editor directly. Late submissions will be used as much as possible.
o Anything you submit is your own original work.

Submit Your Article
• Submit your article as an attachment to an email to our editor.
• The article should be a Word document with no more than 1000 words and in size 12 pt type, Arial font.
• In your email, include your name, address, phone number, your graduating class year, and any other facts about your volunteer experience you’d like to share.
• Be aware that our editor may edit or rewrite your piece and may even ask you to rewrite portions as we strive to provide information that is understandable.

Submit Your Photographs
• Your photos should be attached to the email you’re sending as separate files, either JPG or PNG. DON’T cut and paste photos into your Word document. We won’t be able to use them.
• We only accept photographs that are royalty-free and not copyrighted. So, take your own pictures or get them from copyright-free sites like Unsplash.com.
• Label any photographs you use, including your own photos, with the name of the photographer and the source.

Time Spent:
• Log your hours spent in “communication” in Better Impact.
• To speak with an editor, contact: Marion Guthrie (marion.guthrie@gmail.com).

Thanks for your interest! – 2-6-2024