Broadleaf Evergreen Trees & Shrubs Every Master Gardener Should Know
Broadleaf Evergreen Trees & Shrubs
Buxus microphylla, Littleleaf Boxwood
Buxus sempervirens, Common Boxwood
Ilex opaca, American Holly
Ilex vomitoria, Yaupon holly
Ilex aquifolium, English Holly
Ilex cornuta, Chinese Holly
Myrica cerifera, Southern Wax Myrtle
Myrica pensylvanica, Bayberry
Osmanthus heterophyllus, Holly Tea-olive
Pyracantha coccinea, Scarlet Firethorn
Quercus virginiana, Live Oak

Oregon grape holly attracts insects when little else is in bloom. This shrub was recently added to the list of invasive plant species in Virginia.
Broadleaf Evergreen Trees & Shrubs with Showy Flowers
Camellia japonica, Japanese Camellia
Camellia sasanqua, Sasanqua Camellia
Kalmia latifolia, Mountain Laurel
Magnolia grandiflora, Southern Magnolia
Rhododendron spp. Azaleas and Rhododendrons
Berberis bealei, Leatherleaf Mahonia (Oregon Grape Holly)- is now considered an invasive species in Virginia
All photos by E. L. McCoy
The Beauty and Promise of Trees in Winter
Planting Trees and Other Hacks to Manage Wet Soils
Identifying Local Trees in Winter
The Regal Southern Magnolia
Native Trees
Common Invasive Plants Every Master Gardener Should Know
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