Category: Carbon Garden

Natural Plant Fertilizers for Your Garden

  How do you fertilize your garden without buying any fertilizer?  That is a key question for gardeners and farmers throughout the world today, as it was a key concern for our ancestors who couldn’t purchase commercial fertilizers for their fields.   Soil must be fed to remain productive.   Many popular crops, like corn and cotton, deplete the soil after just a few years.  Our ancestors learned to use many natural fertilizers to keep their soil productive.   The Importance of...

Planting Trees and Other Hacks to Manage Wet Soils

  Water may be a blessing or a curse.  Gardeners usually want abundant rain to nurture their plantings and generally have a back-up irrigation plan for dry spells.  Providing the right amount of water for each plant is one of the keys to a gardener’s success. Working With the Water Cycle Just as leaves absorb carbon from the air, so roots absorb water from the soil.  The water, and any chemicals or elements dissolved in it, may be stored in...

What’s the Dirt on Soil?

DIRT OR SOIL? Although we often use the words dirt and soil interchangeably, the differences between them are vast. Dirt is made up of clay, sand, silt, and rocks, with no beneficial nutrients or microbes. Dirt is dead.  Soil on the other hand is living. In fact, it’s teeming with life. Soil holds the key to creating a sustainable garden, trapping and storing carbon, and providing a home for the billions of microorganisms and tiny creatures that help to maintain...

Legends, Lore and the Truth About Mistletoe

  From November through May we can admire the living mathematics of the trunks and branches of hardwood trees.   Their leafy crowns have fallen, and their beautiful bark in all its silvery, marbled, textured variety is revealed once again. Looking up, we sometimes see lively green clusters of mistletoe shining in the treetops.  These shrubby, evergreen plants have been a part of myth and folklore since ancient times.  They live suspended between heaven and Earth, rooted into the branches of...

Diospyrus virginiana, the Divine Fruit

  A sadly spindly ‘mystery tree’ grows on a steep slope in our back fern garden.  I first noticed it six or seven years ago.  Its top was broken off in a winter snowstorm a while ago, and its odd growth pattern, plain looking leaves and immature bark left me clueless about its identify.  My best guess was that perhaps it was a paw paw tree, since the leaves are similar, and we have a stand of those nearby. But...

From History and Legends to My Own Front Yard:  The Beautiful Oak

  At the intersection of myth, fantasy, and living reality stands a towering oak tree, covered in plump acorns.  More than 400 species of oaks grow across temperate and tropical regions of North America, Europe and Asia, with 90 species here in the United States and another 160 species growing in Mexico.  China has 100 different types of oak. Types of Oaks All oaks, members of the Fagaceae family along with beech and chestnut trees, produce acorns.  Some, like our...

Making the Choice: Native v. Imported Plants

  What do you consider when choosing plants for your home and yard?  We all have a checklist of criteria in the back of our minds.  Our criteria are very personal to our own needs and situation.  You may not purchase and plant as many plants as I do each year, but I’m sure that you enjoy the choosing and the planting just as much.     We gardeners have been encouraged to plant more native plants for quite a...

A hummingbird moth feeds on Lantana 'Chapel Hill Yellow'

Top Plant Picks for Summer Color: Flowers (Part 1)

Colorful flowers and enticing plants fill every table and rack at garden centers right now.  Even the most experienced gardener may feel a little overwhelmed with so many beautiful choices. Annual or perennial?  How big will this get? Will deer and bunnies eat it?  How long will it bloom?  Sun or shade?  Will it grow in a pot?  Will it stand the heat?  How much care will it require? And most importantly, will it go the distance and survive all...

Cultivating Moss Part 1: Native Mosses in the Garden

How much do you know already about mosses?  They are so common; you will find them growing most anywhere.  Take the Moss Quiz, and you’ll find the answers at the end of Part 2 of this post. The Moss Quiz      1.  Which will kill moss the fastest?   A.  Letting it dry out     B.  Watering it        2.  Will moss make new roots if you transplant it?   A.  Yes       B. No        3.  Can I share my beer...

Tales from the Help Desk, Uninvited Mushrooms

Q. Why are mushrooms in my yard? How can I get rid of them? A. Mushrooms tend to pop up in the fall due to shady, cool, and moist conditions and the availability of organic material in the lawn. The mushroom is the fruit of an underground feeding network (mycelium) of fungal threads (hyphae). Fungi feed on decomposing plant material and make that material accessible to the grass growing in the yard. Mushrooms do not damage the lawn and can...