Category: Water Wise

Water-wise Design for Hanging Baskets

Do you have a hanging basket that is struggling in summer’s heat?  Do you have plants under-performing because you can’t keep their container sufficiently watered? The Hydration Equation Keeping plants supplied with water and nutrients is an ongoing challenge with any container planting, especially with baskets and window boxes.  Plants require water and nutrients for strong growth an abundant flowers.  A hanging basket is an extreme environment for many plants.  Baskets will dry out quickly on a scorching, sunny summer...

Water-Wise Demonstration Project

The Water-Wise Demonstration Project is located in front of the Human Services Center (HSC) at 5249 Olde Towne Road (shown here). About 10,500 people walk through this garden each year. They are generally families, often bilingual, seeking social services and affordable health services. Our water-wise garden provides a peaceful setting for them, showcasing a variety of drought-tolerant perennial plants in a low-maintenance, low-water setting. This year we’re reaching out in English and Spanish by posting what is blooming on a...

a rain gauge in a yard

How Much Water Does My Garden Need?

The Hot Dry Dog Days of Summer – It may seem, in the summer, like it is never raining enough and your lawn and garden need water daily.  Before you drag hoses and sprinklers all over the yard, it’s important to know how much or how little water has fallen from the sky or been collected from your supplemental watering efforts.  Installing a rain gauge is a quick and simple way to find out. It’s an easy way to measure the...