Category: Halloween

The Origin of Jack-o’-lanterns

Did you know that the tradition of carving jack-o’-lanterns started in Ireland, where turnips and potatoes were originally used? In fact, the name, jack-o’-lantern, comes from an Irish folktale about a man named Stingy Jack who tried to trick the Devil. It ended badly for Stingy Jack with the Devil sending him off into the night with only one hot coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved-out turnip and has been roaming the Earth ever...

9 Ways to Use Your Left-Over Pumpkins

There’s an astounding amount of waste generated from post-Halloween pumpkins.   Instead of throwing your pumpkins out, why not reuse and recycle them?  Here are a few ideas on how. 1. Cut up the pumpkin into manageable pieces and throw them into the compost bin. They are 90% water and should break down quickly. 2. Put them in your garden for the wildlife to enjoy. 3. Pumpkin seeds can be scooped out with a spoon, tossed with a bit of olive...

Henbane: A Witch’s Tale

Opening Last night I had a peculiar and rather disturbing dream. I dreamt that I was driving my car at night careening wildly and uncontrollably along a coastal mountain highway. It was pitch black, high up on the winding and twisting roads with the sinister ocean waves crashing loudly beneath the cliffs. Quite suddenly, the car shot off the road and started plummeting toward the ocean below! I panicked and tried to scream but nothing came out! And just before...