JCC Williamsburg Master Gardener Association Annual Plant Sale
May 10 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
We are hosting our Annual Plant Sale on Saturday, May 10, from 9 am to noon at the Williamsburg Botanical Garden (WBG) located within Freedom Park at 5537 Centerville Road. This popular sale runs only on Saturday, May 10, rain or shine. Admission to the WBG and parking in Freedom Park are both free. The sale offers a wide selection of annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs, trees, and shrubs. Much of the plant stock has been raised by the Master Gardeners themselves. In addition to plants, visitors can shop the Green Thumb Market for gently used garden tools, equipment, and specialty items to perk up their garden decor.
So, get a good start on this year’s garden by visiting the JCCWMGA Plant Sale!
“Neighbors Helping Neighbors”