Landscape Love

Landscape Love Home Visitation Program is now Open.  You can request a home visit by completing the form below.

Landscape LoveProgram Description

Landscape Love is a free garden consultation offered during spring and summer months by the James City County Williamsburg Master Gardener Association to Hampton Roads area gardeners interested in getting educated advice about their home gardens.  A small team of two or three master gardeners, at the homeowner's request, visit the property to answer the homeowner's questions and make recommendations.  The visit typically takes about an hour.

Common requests involve identifying plants, gardening problems, and suggesting plants that meet a specific need, such as sun, shade, or deer resistance.  Please note that our Master Gardener Volunteers are certified by the Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE). Their visits are plant and soil-focused, and they can recommend plants but do not create landscape designs or address property drainage issues.

After the visit, the Master Gardener Team will prepare and send the homeowner a personalized report with their findings and recommendations.


Landscape Love Registration

(Note: Your personal information is not shared with anyone outside of this office. It is used only to contact you to coordinate our Master Gardeners' visit.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
(Email is used only to contact you for visit coordination)
(Knowing your neighborhood or development helps better coordinate our Master Gardener visits)

How did you hear about this year's Landscape Love Program? (Select those that apply)
Please help us help your neighbors by getting the word out. Please indicate how you learned about this year's Landscape Love Home Program.
Thank you for applying for the Landscape Love Home Visit Program