Tagged: James City County

Our New James City County and Williamsburg Master Gardener Association Leadership Team

Our new leadership team took office in January, with a combined 73 years of Master Gardening experience to guide them in leading our organization this year.  Most have been gardening since childhood and bring tremendous knowledge and practical experience to their work as Master Gardeners. Please enjoy these brief interviews as you get to know these outstanding individuals who have stepped up to positions of leadership this year, and perhaps learn a few new things about old friends and colleagues. ...

Two American Chestnut Trees Planted at Freedom Park on Arbor Day 2022

A second annual Earth Day and Arbor Day celebration on Saturday, April 23, at 10:30 AM will include the planting of two wild-type American chestnut seedling trees at Freedom Park in James City County, Virginia. The celebration results from a collaboration between the Clean County Commission, and volunteers at the Williamsburg Botanical Garden and Freedom Park Arboretum, with support from the Freedom Park staff. One tree will be planted in the Pine-Hardwoods section of the Garden, and the other will...