Tagged: Shoreline Erosion

Understanding Soil Testing and Colonial Soil and Water Conservation District Services

Soil Testing and Analysis When we begin cultivating a new garden area, or want to improve our lawn, it is wise to begin with a soil test.  Virginia Cooperative Extension labs analyze soil tests, for a small fee, and will send a comprehensive report to the individual who submitted the sample.  There is a lot of useful information in the report once we know what to look for and how to use the data. When you receive your soil sample...



The Shoreline Evaluation Project (SEP) went live on July 1st!  This new program will assist coastal homeowners in their shoreline protection efforts to mitigate the effects of erosion on their shoreline frontage, addressing both upland and waterfront sources. Program Partnerships – To create this program the Colonial SWCD has partnered with the Virginia Cooperative Extension James City County Williamsburg Master Gardeners (CSWCD/VCEMG) to offer this Shoreline Evaluation Program (SEP) to shorefront property owners throughout the greater Williamsburg region. Each participating...