Water Matters


Water Matters provides home visits to identify, assess, and educate homeowners and HOAs on water issues in residential areas.


In a 1” rain event, a 1,000 sq. ft. roof generates 600 gallons of water

Have you ever asked yourself ….

💧How can I conserve and redirect the rainwater pouring from my roof?

💧Water is pouring from my downspout and eroding my lawn, what can I do?

💧What is the best way to keep my plants watered while saving on my water bill?

💧The ground is always soggy at this end of the yard…why?

💧My neighbor just built a new concrete patio – every time it rains,
water pours into my yard and pools for days… what can I do?

💧How can I slow stormwater flow, and make best use of this free natural


For these and other water related issues, a team of 2-3 Master Gardener Water Stewards offer home visits to identify, assess, and educate homeowners and HOAs in residential areas.  Best management practices and solutions are provided in a digital report along with suggested reading following the visit.

To Register, please complete the application and short questionnaire below.

For applicant questions, please call the Helpdesk at (757) 564-2175 and leave a message for one of the Water Stewards to return your call.

Water Matters Visit Registration Form

(Note: Your personal information is not shared with anyone outside of this office. It is used only to contact you to coordinate our Master Gardeners' visit and other internal program purposes.)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
To better assess your situation, please complete the following questionnaire and submit along with the Registration Form.


If you have time to answer further questions, please continue. The more information we have, the better equipped we’ll be to suggest solutions..
Is the problem constant?
Is there a noticeable rise in the ground level on the property or adjacent properties?
Has the ground level recently altered with the addition of structures, hardscape (non-porous materials) or redirected water flow from berms or gardens?
Does the property have an irrigation system?
If Yes, Type of System:
Is the irrigation system programmed to function
Are you experiencing any stormwater runoff issues on the property such as:

Would you like to receive e-mails about future water management education or conservation opportunities?

How did you hear about this year's Water Matters Visit Program? (Select those that apply)
Please help us help your neighbors by getting the word out. Please indicate how you learned about this year's Water Matters Visit Program.