Tagged: Garden Design

What Is Going on at the Historic Triangle Learning Garden?

  The Historic Triangle Learning Garden is one of many projects led by members of the James City County/Williamsburg Master Gardeners.  It is located  right behind the CDR building and next door to Waller Mill Elementary School, at 312 Waller Mill Road. Originally known as “Incredible Edibles,” the project changed its name to the Historic Triangle Learning Garden in 2021 to reflect a broader range of interests, including growing flowers, supporting pollinators, and practicing other aspects of organic gardening, in...

Designing With Lemon Scented Plants

  Picnics with citronella candles, lemon scented furniture polish and sweet tea with lemons all recall happy childhood memories.   Fragrance has a profound ability to create or shift a mood, to trigger memories and create new ones.  Just as cinnamon evokes the holidays; crisp, cool lemon is a summertime fragrance. Most lemon scented plants thrive in warm climates.  Lemon trees, Citrus limon, are hardy only to Zone 8.  Originally native to Asia, they spread throughout the ancient world wherever the...

Summer Flowering Trees and Shrubs for Pollinators

  Have you ever watched a bumblebee explore a Hibiscus flower?  Each flower is large enough for the bee to crawl around the depths of its funnel shaped petals to collect as much pollen as possible.  Short, powdery stamens grow like bristles on a bottle brush from a long, tubular pistil. The bee emerges white with pollen and satisfied by the flower’s nectar. Hibiscus shrubs, commonly known as Rose of Sharon, bloom from June through November in our area.  Each...

Top Picks for Living Ground Covers (Part 3)

  How do you deal with a patch of bare ground in your yard?  That is the existential challenge of gardening, isn’t it?  The first, most logical choice for many is to plant a lawn.  We see lawns everywhere in our neighborhoods and public spaces.  Grasses may be the default ground cover for many people. But a grassy lawn gets expensive.  It costs time to maintain.  It requires ongoing investments in grass seed, fertilizers and other chemicals to feed it...

Top Plant Picks for Summer Color: Foliage (Part 2)

Colorful and enticing plants fill every table and rack at garden centers in May.  Even the most experienced gardener may feel a little overwhelmed with so many interesting choices. Annual or perennial?  How big will this get? Will deer and bunnies eat it?  How long will it last?  Sun or shade?  Will it grow in a pot?  Will it stand the heat?  How much care will it require?  And most importantly, will it go the distance and survive all season?...

A hummingbird moth feeds on Lantana 'Chapel Hill Yellow'

Top Plant Picks for Summer Color: Flowers (Part 1)

Colorful flowers and enticing plants fill every table and rack at garden centers right now.  Even the most experienced gardener may feel a little overwhelmed with so many beautiful choices. Annual or perennial?  How big will this get? Will deer and bunnies eat it?  How long will it bloom?  Sun or shade?  Will it grow in a pot?  Will it stand the heat?  How much care will it require? And most importantly, will it go the distance and survive all...

Cultivating Moss Part 1: Native Mosses in the Garden

How much do you know already about mosses?  They are so common; you will find them growing most anywhere.  Take the Moss Quiz, and you’ll find the answers at the end of Part 2 of this post. The Moss Quiz      1.  Which will kill moss the fastest?   A.  Letting it dry out     B.  Watering it        2.  Will moss make new roots if you transplant it?   A.  Yes       B. No        3.  Can I share my beer...

Cultivating Moss Part 2: Propagation Methods

Mosses are wild, native plants, and find spots to grow where conditions support them.  They reproduce sexually with tiny spores that blow on the wind.  They need consistent moisture to transform from a spore to a small plant, but they do it without any interference from the gardener.  One way to develop a moss garden is to provide favorable conditions and let the mosses colonize on their own terms.  This may take several years, even with consistent efforts to keep...

Cultivating Moss Part 3: Photos and Further Resources

A fern table needs mosses to serve as mulch, holding the planting medium in place.   Moss Garden Resources Find links to some excellent books, informative websites, and good sources for moss listed below: Hamilton, Helen.  Ferns and Mosses of Virginia’s Coastal Plain.  2017. Martin, Annie.  The Magical World of Moss Gardening.  2015. Nordström, Ulrica.   Moss: From Forest to Garden: A Guide to the Hidden World of Moss.  2018 Smith, Richard R.  New Methods in Moss Gardening:  How to Grow...

Hellebores: Winter Flowers for Pollinators

What blooms through the snow in your yard?  Many older homes in our neighborhood have established clumps of evergreen hellebores blooming from January through April or May.  Suddenly, there are delicate pink and white petals emerging in the depths of winter. I asked a new friend about them soon after we moved to Williamsburg, and she generously gave me trays full of seedling plants when she thinned hers that spring.  What a wonderful gift!  The plants she gave to me...